Island Pond tree removal
Andy Petch arranged for ‘The West Sussex Fire Service Technical Rescue Unit’, Blue Watch, to come down and remove the large fallen Oak tree laying in the lake….. for free!

(Yes I agree it was potentially a nice feature to fish to but it closed off that whole corner area and was laden with line and tackle. So it was in fact a nasty hazard with the potential to tether fish). With the aid of Andy Petch, Tony Staples, myself, and later in the day
Barry Clark and Dawn, the tree came out with an amazing petrol winch and some chainsawing and manpower to drag the stuff up into the woods out of the way.

At our request, they also removed a couple of small trees overhanging one of the swims near the carpark and they also cut up the huge pine logs which someone kindly left for us in the pine tree swim on the far bank. (I took home a whole bin bag of rubbish which people have been hiding in among the felled logs).

We have also cut back and removed all the overhanging trees in the corner of the lake by the Buchan park gate, which means you can now fish into that corner swim easily from both directions. The carp love that corner in the summer as it is a real sun trap and has lily pads for them to explore. This swim had become unfishable. A massive thanks to everyone who helped and also to Kevin Rice who helped me load the boat at Roosthole this morning for them to use.