Autumn Series – Match 2 Roost Hole – 20th November
Yesterday, Sunday 19th November saw fifteen club members meet for the second round of the HDAA Autumn league series of matches. A very blustery Roosthole greeted the anglers but going by the smiles, banter & chatter amongst the members they were not going to be deterred from having a nice day out!
The anglers drew their peg numbers and made their way, setting up ready for the ten o’clock start, I’m pretty sure the wind then decided to blow even harder adding a bit more of a challenge for them all. Barry Clark the clubs chairman signalled the “ all in “ and a plethora of methods were used to try and catch their prey, pole, groundbait & method feeder, straight lead & just as many types of bait.
It soon became apparent that either the strong wind or cold rain water run off ( or a mixture of both) had dulled the appetites of our quarry and we all had to put our thinking caps on to get a bite or two, after an hour or so a few carp started to feed & soon the landing nets were sliding under some of the lakes inhabitants which was a relief.
It was lovely to see such a great turnout and although the fishing was hard, everyone seemed to enjoy the social side just as much as the angling which makes all the effort worthwhile. A big shout out to Cameron Neave a junior angler who persevered and despite being harassed by a pike did catch a 2 ounce roach and avoided a blank & therefore beat five seniors, top job!
Here are the results…
1st – Mark Hayley 30lbs 4oz from peg 21.
2nd= – Ray Smallwood & John Hayes both with 21lbs exactly from pegs 11 & 7 respectfully.
4th – Tony Staples 13lbs-6oz from Peg 19
Just to add a little more fun, there was also a prize for the angler who came 7th on the day, well done to Lee Waller with 5lbs 8oz from peg 6, Christmas drinks are on you!
Graham Boylett kindly donated a bottle of plonk as a prize for the angler who guessed a weight closest to the winning one, I was miles out…Ray Smallwood scooped the bottle of plonk, well done Ray!
Going into the final round which will be fished at Island Pond on the 10th December the series looks like this…
John Hayes 6 points
Mark Hayley 7 points
Lee Waller 8 points
Graham Boylett 10 points
Andy Mayhew 11 points
Cameron Neave 19 points
Rob Mazek 23 points
David LS 25 points
Some pictures from the day……