Projects update: Blackbottom and Roosthole
The club has recently started work in projects that will significantly enhance both the Blackbottom/Dry Pond SSSI and Roosthole.
At Blackbottom, a fence has been put in between the public footpath and the bank on the North side of the pond to protect the bank from further erosion. The work is part of a conservation and enhancement project funded by Natural England.
The project includes both Blackbottom and Dry Pond (which are part of the same SSSI). The next steps will involve removal of non-native species such as Cherry Laurel and Rhododendron to restoring the site to a more natural state. We will also install information boards informing the public of the scope and purpose of the work.
At Roosthole work has begun on the work plan outlined in an earlier post. Cover on the Horsham bank has been thinned out to allow more light and wind to reach the water.
Fishery officer Lee Waller has been taking the lead in the work, with help from others including tree surgeon George Leigh. Thanks to all involved, especially to Lee, for the hard work they’ve put in, often in terrible weather, to get these projects off the ground.