New bookable ticket categories introduced
Two new categories of bookable tickets have been introduced at the club.
“Non-fishing” Guest tickets
This facility allows members with a fishing membership to purchase one ticket per day at a cost of £3, for use by non members they wish to bring along, who will not be fishing.
This should useful for members aged under 16, who need an adult accompanying them when they fish H&DAA waters. It may also be useful to fishing members whose partners or children may want to accompany them once or twice a year as it’s a cheaper way than purchasing a non-fishing membership.
Single Night fishing permits
These are available to members over eighteen who fancy a bit of night fishing now and again, priced at £12.50 per night
The night permits must be booked at least 24 hours in advance and no more than two consecutive nights.
Note: you must have been a member for twelve months before you are permitted to purchase the single night ticket: our team of bailiffs will be checking!
Both tickets are available to book now via the Clubmate app or web site.